Heart of the Woods
Heart of the Woods is the most heartwarming, supernatural love story I have ever seen!
We kick off this adventure with Maddie and Tara on a train going into the middle of nowhere to shoot for their paranormal YouTube channel "Taranormal". I think that's an excellent name for a show like that and they have a quarter million subscribers! WHAT?! HOW!? Secrets! Anyway, when our duo arrive we meet the mysterious Morgan who has invited them out into this dark woods and will be their guide during their stay in Eyensfield.
This trip to Eyensfield is going to be the last that Maddie does for the Taranormal channel as she’s decided to go back to film school to get her degree. Obviously this causes a rift in the friendship between them that permeates these interactions. Maddie herself is an openly queer woman who loves films, good coffee, and logic. Tara, meanwhile, is the excitable host of Taranormal who’s a transwoman, openly queer, and absolutely delightful. Oh and sincerely believes in the supernatural unlike Maddie who’s a skeptic. These two have been friends for many years and this new direction from Maddie sets up the stage for tension in their friendship right when things get weird.
Speaking of weird, Eyensfield is full of it! So many interesting occurrences, mysterious tales, and hidden information to be had! Morgan, our host/awesome human, helps us navigate this bewitched place while slowly opening up to the other two. She’s a mystery but it turns out there is much more to this sleepy snowy village than meets the eye. Supernatural happenings abound and so does unexpected changes for love.
Overall this game was an absolute delight to play! There are relatively few choices during the course of the game but each of them has a decision tree leading to 3 possible endings. There is a lot of fun dialogue, beautiful character development, and thrilling moments that keep you hooked! I played this for the DaintyTank channel fairly early on when it was just available for PC and it took me about 19 hours to complete all endings. Since then the team at Studio Élan have enhanced some of the voice lines, CG images, and have released the game on Switch!
The voice acting in this game is phenomenal, the story is addicting, and the queer love story is one of my favorites! Play for yourself at the below links!
DaintyTank Playthrough of Heart of the Woods